All Weather Lube is a lubricant with revolutionary micro-additives for chains, derailleurs, cables, and pedals
Pros & Cons
- Biodegradable
- Easy dosage
- Suitable for all weather conditions
- Extra long lubricating effect
Step 1 Degrease the chain before lubricating it, you can do this using CyclOn Bionet Chain Cleaner.
Step 2 Shake the All Weather Lube thoroughly before use.
Step 3 Apply the All Weather Lube to all the links of your chain and turn your pedal a few times to distribute the lubricant well. Leave the lubricant to penetrate into the chain.
Step 4 Before you start riding, run the chain through a cloth to remove any excess lubricant.
USP'S Protects against corrosion, usable during all-weather conditions, keeps the parts
running smoothly.