All bikes are assembled by our team of professional technicians and delivered ready to ride in UAE!

All orders are shipped from the U.A.E. | Enjoy free shipping for orders exceeding AED 100*

Your Journey Starts Here

At, we believe that cycling is more than just a sport or a way to commute; it's a way of life. Nestled in the heart of the cycling community, we embarked on our journey with a clear mission: to bring the joy and freedom of cycling to everyone. Founded by a team of passionate cyclists, we understand the exhilaration that comes from a ride through winding trails or the rush of conquering a steep hill. This passion fuels our commitment to not only provide the best cycling products in the market but also to be a hub for cyclists of all levels.

Why Choose

  • 1. Expertise and Passion

    Every member of our team, from customer service to our product specialists, is a cycling enthusiast. We live and breathe cycling, ensuring that we offer you not just products, but solutions that enhance your cycling experience.

  • 2. Quality Without Compromise

    Our carefully curated selection of bikes, gear, and accessories comes from the world's leading brands, guaranteeing that you receive only the best. Whether you're a beginner or a professional, we have something that meets your needs at the highest standards.

  • 3. Community and Support is more than just a store; it's a community. We offer workshops, events, and rides that not only help you get the most out of your gear but also connect you with fellow cyclists. Our blog and social media channels are bursting with tips, stories, and inspiration to fuel your cycling passion.

  • 4. Unmatched Service

    We understand that buying a bike online can be daunting. That's why we've made it as straightforward and reassuring as possible, with detailed product descriptions, a seamless buying process, and a friendly team ready to assist you every pedal of the way.

  • 5. Sustainability at Heart

    As lovers of the outdoors, we're committed to preserving the environment. From eco-friendly packaging to supporting cycling initiatives that reduce carbon footprints, we're dedicated to a greener planet.

Our Promise to You

At, we're not just selling bikes; we're here to support your cycling journey from start to finish. We promise to provide you with the best products, expert advice, and an unbeatable shopping experience. Whether you're setting out on your first ride or training for a competition, we're with you every mile of the journey.

Join Us on the Ride of a Lifetime

We invite you to explore our collection and discover what makes the ultimate destination for cyclists. With us, you're not just buying a bike; you're becoming part of a community that shares your passion. Let's embark on this journey together.

What our customers say about us

I have purchased several bicycles from CycleSouq over the past few years. Buying was easy and delivery was prompt. It's the after sales service that I appreciate the most. Any problems that arise with bicycle, they are on it immediately. I've been so impressed with their customer service.
I highly recommend them.
I have six grandchildren, so I'll be coming back soon to outfit another grandchild.

I ordered a bike as a present for my son. i got a good deal, delivery
was exceptional event if they had bulk orders due to the upcoming
holiday and after service was superb. will definitely buy from them

Shipping was prompt especially around Christmas which is probably the
busiest time. Also received a little Christmas thank you note. Amazing
product offering, amazing service.

Ordered first cycle for my kid, the delivery was a delight and was in time as per initial delivery estimate, I was so happy, I ordered a cycle for myself.

I highly recommend the cyclesouq for bicycles, and if you get accessories with good price, buy here, else post compare, wherever you find the cheapest.